Car rental Amsterdam
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Amsterdam miniguide
Amsterdam is the Netherlands’ largest city and the nation’s capital. Amsterdam is located northwest of the Netherlands in the province of Noord-Holland.Amsterdam is connected to the sea through the North Sea Canal. From here the ferry to Newcastle and Harwich in the UK.735,000 inhabitants live in the city, while the suburban area, a total of 2.1 million in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam is famous for tulips, beer and its many channels. Rijksmuseum is widely known for its Dutch masterpieces in painting by Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Gauguin and Toulouse-Lautrec among others Stedelijk Museum is home to contemporary artists such as Picasso, Chagall and Matisse. Amsterdam is a famous music city, and the Concertgebouw orchestra has a reputation as one of the best. In Amsterdam is the Anne Frank House, where the family remained hidden from 1942-44. There is today a museum. The city has 7,000 historic buildings and a number of museums, in addition to the zoo and planetarium, to name a few attractions.
Airport Amsterdam Schiphol is located in the south, 15 kilometers southwest of the city.